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By Robofish3000
Beta 1.5_01 Features!

Yes! The "weather" is finally here...

Notch has issued beta 1.5 to Minecraft players throughout the world.
One of the most anticipated features was weather, but it's been very uncommon in most biomes. I haven't encountered it, along with many others. It IS there though, I have seen proof!
  I was looking forward to some thunderstorms as well, they are supposedly very dynamic!  At least the awesomely epic achievements make up for it!

The achievements feature was a great idea, if I do say so myself. They are situated in the pause menu, and when you select it, it brings up a kind of spider-diagram type menu, where all the achievements are stated. When you hover your mouse over an unlocked achievement, it gives you intructions on how to complete it. Which is why they also act as a kind of tutorial for new players.

NOTE: The "ladder every second block" trick has been removed :(
Also, there is some stability and performance issues that have been patched.

Still haven't got Minecraft and looking to try it out?
Here's the link -

The new minecart booster/detector tracks are quite useful too. The boosters are used for -you guessed it- boosting your minecart. As long as they are connected to a redstone torch, it will supply unlimited power to your cart while you pass. There are a few glitchy complications involving steep inclines and the order in which you place the tracks. You can see a basic demonstration on how to craft 6 booster rails to the left.

The detector rail is basically a pressure pad in rail form, which activates when a minecart runs over it. It can be placed right before a booster rail to provide power without using redstone. It can be used to also activate note blocks, doors, etc..
Craft a detector rail by replacing the gold ingots (image) with iron ingots and replacing the stick with a stone pressure pad.
Notch has released a Minecraft DEMO! The full game, but with a 90 minute time limit!
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